Rebuilding The Bridges That Differences Broke
The Platinum Connection and it's allies are committed to living by a set of basic core values including courage, integrity, truth, kindness, presence, and trust. During these destructive times of divide within our country and the communities we live in, we must remember to hold on to these values as a way of staying connected to our humanity. Dr. E has integrated The Platinum Connection and it's values into all aspects of her work - this integration is designed to bring the humanity back into our everyday lives and help us reconnect as one race, the human race.
How it began
Platinum was originally a people based project intended to bring together individuals who share a common purpose: to stand up to negativity, hatred, and bias. Dr. Egerton initially started this private campaign over 20 years ago by creating parallel approaches in her work with organizational development and personal coaching. Her work has been built upon the need to create a clear path for those who follow after her, leaving as few obstacles for them to face as possible. She realized this work must be made public after we discovered so many other like-minded individuals were traveling the same path. There were allies all around— people who genuinely care about how they treat others, people without a self serving agenda, people who are concerned with making the world a compassionate and kind place for everyone. She also recognized she was in a powerful position to provide guidance and support for these individuals and forge a breakthrough towards equality and unity. During this meaningful work Dr. Egerton expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to facilitate global change: "I am moved by the overwhelming number of individuals who have joined me in this journey and I welcome those out there who are ready, willing, and able to do the work but don’t know how or where to start."
The movement towards equality begins at an individual level and does not need to be advocated by everyone to be experienced by everyone. This effort is a culmination of individuals making small changes each day, affecting the world around them in a positive and meaningful manner. Each interaction between friends, coworkers, family members, neighbors, and strangers is affected and changed to generate a chain reaction of positivity and continuous growth. So why should we invest so much into this process? One could argue that it is imperative in building the bridges between people who are aware of the differences but who have seemingly forgotten about the many similarities that connect us as one human race. At the apex of these connections, the fundamental characteristic that all humans possess and unfortunately the characteristic that is threatened the most, is our humanity. Our humanity is our ability to see people as people, not as objects— it is our kindness and our compassion, our empathy and our integrity. We have lost the importance of comprehending our humanity and have consequently hindered its evolution. The world continues to change around us while we stand still, unable to learn or to grow. The differences we face become threatening and create challenges, when instead they could provide us with the opportunity to connect and learn from each other. We must be willing to acknowledge and welcome these differences and use them as sources of enlightenment and inclusion— and as a return to basic human decency.
How it has evolved
Since its founding the Platinum Connection has grown exponentially, reaching all different people from all different walks of life. Dr. E has since integrated its teachings and tools into all aspects of her work including organizational change and individual growth & development. Platinum has become a ubiquitous way of thinking, behaving, and leading to effect a conscious shift in our global health. As an extension of the Platinum Connection, Dr. E has developed an international council of allies strategically positioned to use this connection for the globally beneficial evolution of our social consciousness -- we call them the Platinum Women-Wisdom Warriors.
During these divisive times, the Platinum Women - Wisdom Warriors (P3W) surround the globe with love, light and power as we embrace our universal connection in the age of our “Divine Feminine Rising”. We are an international collaborative of Women empowered and positioned to rescue, restore, and renew our universal oneness. We will harness the power of our universal connection to strengthen and repair the collective social consciousness and create a purposeful return back to our humanity.
P3W has many objectives and guiding principles, developed throughout countless cultures and customs. This international collaboration has created an all encompassing network which surrounds and embraces the globe and cultivates a universal value for humanity.
Meet the extensive global network of Platinum Women. This international collaborative of female leaders are empowered and positioned to rescue, restore, and renew our universal oneness. Explore more about our mission & get to know each member.